Thursday, 28 January 2016

Publish Application in Visual Studio 2013

Publish Application in Visual Studio VB.NET, VB 2008, VB 2010, VB 2012, VB 2013.

This lesson describes how to publish an application in Visual Studio 2013 Express

To make your application available for distribution in a local file, FTP site, or web site you need to first publish it.

1. Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer and choose Publish from the context menu or use the Build menu selecting Publish [Your Project Name]

2. Specify the location to publish your application:
- See more at:

This lesson describes how to publish an application in Visual Studio 2013 Express

To make your application available for distribution in a local file, FTP site, or web site you need to first publish it.

1. Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer and choose Publish from the context menu or use the Build menu selecting Publish [Your Project Name]

2. Specify the location to publish your application:
- See more at:
 This lesson describes how to publish an application in Visual Studio 2013 Express

To make your application available for distribution in a local file, FTP site, or web site you need to first publish it.

1. Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer and choose Publish from the context menu or use the Build menu selecting Publish [Your Project Name]

2. Specify the location to publish your application:

This lesson describes how to publish an application in Visual Studio 2013 Express

To make your application available for distribution in a local file, FTP site, or web site you need to first publish it.

1. Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer and choose Publish from the context menu or use the Build menu selecting Publish [Your Project Name]

2. Specify the location to publish your application:
- See more at:


3. Select install type (how will users install your application)

4. Define where will the application check for updates:

5. Click Finish. Voila! Congratulations, you published your first application successfully.
This is how your setup should look like:

VB.NET, VB 2008, VB 2010, VB 2012, VB 2013
VB.NET, VB 2008, VB 2010, VB 2012, VB 2013
VB.NET, VB 2008, VB 2010, VB 2012, VB 2013
VB.NET, VB 2008, VB 2010, VB 2012, VB 2013
VB.NET, VB 2008, VB 2010, VB 2012, VB 2013
Publish Application in Visual Studio 2013
Publish Application in Visual Studio 2013

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